RFID Attendace and Payroll System

This project proposes the functionality of the RFID to act as an attendance system to an organization. Additional systems are included in the attendance system such as payroll systems that will function as one major system. Attendance using RFID will utilize the use of RFID tags that will ease the way of recording an attendance of the employees in a certain company, then the attendance that has been gathered by the system will be used to compute their payroll. RFID attendance and Payroll system will replace the conventional way of recording attendance and disbursing payroll with ease.

This system is what we call a hybrid system which composes both hardware and software, the data resides to the database with use of PHPmyadmin server and it is run through the use of HTML for its front-end, on the hardware part, the ESP8266 wifi module has its own microchip which processes all the code in a loop format with use of C language